Judith Ogilvie, Ph.D.
Neuroscience Program
Courses Taught
Developmental Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology Laboratory, Introduction to Biology, Sensory Neuroscience; Neurobiology of Disease
Ph.D., Harvard University
Research Interests
The Ogilvie lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to better understand the structure, development and degeneration of the vertebrate retina with two major areas of focus. Investigations of primate retinal circuitry use connectomics methodology to address fundamental questions of how the neuronal cell types in the retina enable us to interpret the complex visual world around us. Other research efforts focus on understanding the molecular cascade of events required for development and differentiation of healthy retinal neurons and unraveling how defects in this cascade can lead to blindness.
Labs and Facilities
Research projects in Ogilvie's lab include the opportunity to study an animal model of human disease using a variety of computational, morphological, cellular, and molecular techniques. Students interested in cell biology, neurobiology, development, or vision should talk with her about current research opportunities.
For more information, visit the Ogilvie Lab website: .
Publications and Media Placements
A complete list of published work can be found at: