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Philip Porter, Ph.D.

Division of Humanities


Th.D. in Systematic Theology, Duke University
M.T.S., Loyola University Maryland
B.A. in Political Science, University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests

  • Dogmatic Theology
  • Latin Patristics
  • Medieval Theology
  • Theology of Death

Publications and Media Placements

Refereed Articles

"Predestination and Monastic Discipline: Gregory the Great's Synthesis of Augustine and John Cassian on Grace," American Benedictine Review (forthcoming December 2023).

"What Are Dead Bodies For?: An Augustinian Thanatology," Nova et Vetera (Vol. 21, No. 2, Spring 2023).

"Inheriting Wittgenstein’s Augustine: A Grammatical Investigation of the Incarnation," New Blackfriars (Vol. 100, Issue 1088, July 2019).

"Liberated by Doctrine: Augustine’s Approach to Scripture in De Doctrina Christiana," Pro Ecclesia (Vol. 26, No. 2, Spring 2017).

Book Chapters

"Creation," in Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, edited by Frederick C. Bauerschmidt, James J. Buckley, Jennifer Newsome Martin, and Trent Pomplun (forthcoming 2023).

"On the Literal Meaning of 'Literal,'" in All Creation Gives Praise: Essays at the Frontier of Science & Religion, edited by Jay Martin (forthcoming 2023).

Translation of selections from Agnès Arnauld, L'Esprit du Monastère de Port Royal in A Jansenist Anthology (forthcoming 2024).

Short Writings

"War & Penance," Commonweal (January, 2022).

"Not as Others Who Have No Hope," Breaking Ground () (June, 2020).

"Newman & Theological Conflict," Commonweal (October, 2018).